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By default, the ILogger implementation will write it's logs in %GAME CONFIG%/ModLogs/default*.log.
You can create your own log file with this code:

this.AddSerilogLoggerProvider("FILENAME.txt", new[] { FILTER });

this.AddSerilogLoggerProvider($"butterlib_{DateTimeOffset.Now:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}.txt", new[] { "Bannerlord.ButterLib.*" });

Any log from a class from namespace Bannerlord.ButterLib.* will be written to the default*.log file and to your own file.

This page was last modified at 08/21/2020 16:03:26 +03:00 (UTC).

Commit Message
Author:    Vitaly Mikhailov
Commit:    ae682afb37c0006810a2e7ffc5bb78a71d04c5a2
Enhanced documentation

Fixed ApplicationVersionUtil delegates